Thursday, June 8, 2017

Summer Time News

Welcome to Summer from MSM! The month of June is packed full of fun!!

We hope everyone is having a good summer so far. I just wanted to give out a few reminders and shout outs.

First and foremost we are having Montessori classes for an hour and half Monday - Thursday.

AM Group is 8 – 9:30 am and PM and Ext day is 9:30 – 11.

~Our first Ice Cream Day was completely successful. Remember it is every Tuesday at 3pm. Cost: $1. There will be an (8) total ice cream days left, skipping the 4th July, as we are CLOSED.

~Menus and schedules are complete for the month of June - available at the office if needed.

~Please bring a white t-shirt by June 16 or June 19 (the absolute latest) for t-shirt decoration week and to be worn for our 4th of July Parade held on June 30 at 9:30 am.

~Donuts for Dad - June 16th in the Main Building at 7am - 8:30 am.

~ We have two days of the summer set aside as sprinkler days – June 9 & June 23. Please bring your child(ren) dressed in their swimsuit and water shoes (if they have them) and bring a towel. After sprinkler time, we will change the children into their clothes and other shoes that have been brought from home.

~ PM and Ext. Day Groups have a Skate Day on June 16 12:30 – 2:30 and the cost is $4. Parents are welcome to join.

~Happy Father's Day to all of our amazing dads. And all other men who are an important part of our precious ones lives. And, to the ones who do double duty as both.

~We have two days set aside as Picnic Days. Please bring a packed lunch (no heat-able lunches) and a water bottle as well. June 16 and June 30.

~PM and Ext. Day Groups have their Pizza Party at Pizza Hut June 23 from 9 am – 11:30am and cost is $5 per child. Again, parents are welcome to join.

~For the summer the ASK will be going to the pool every Thursday from 1pm – 3pm. For a total of (9) Thursdays left. With that said, please bring your child dressed in their swimsuit and water shoes (if they have them) and bring a towel. On these pool days the ASK will be having their lunch time at 11:45  - 12:15, so there will be time to change if needed.

~Our 4th July Parade will be June 30 at 9:30. Please remember the t-shirts that were decorated. Parents are welcome to join us and we would love to see a few decorated bikes and scooters.

With that said, look forward to Friday folders – as all the groups do have many fun-filled art projects planned as well. This is Fish week  in T2, and both AM and PM Groups. Next week the groups will be working on their Father’s Day art projects. The PM group will be working with paint – so perhaps send an old t-shirt for the 14 and 15 of June. If forgotten, we do have some extra t-shirts that can cover up their clothes from home.

And, I just wanted to say thank you to our teachers for an amazing year. I have only been here in SC and a part of MSM for a short time and I am truly honored for all of the wisdom I have learned from such amazing teachers and other staff. I have always wanted to be part of Montessori environment - as in Montana there is not a huge demand for Montessori learning or schools. Sad, I know. I hope all of the teachers safe travels as they go to visit family and friends and spend a few weeks relaxing. Our very own Ms. Singer is hanging out with the sting rays in the Cayman Islands. Ms. Faria is headed to Pakistan for a visit, and Ms. Mallika is planning her trip to Sri Lanka. Slightly jealous on all three accounts. Have fun ladies!!