Monday, May 1, 2017

May Is Here!!

May is Here!!

May is going to be a busy month for MSM, so stay tuned for all of the details!
First and foremost: Class pictures are here and are $10 - payable at the office.

And, this is Teacher Appreciation Week. I have a list of our teacher's favorite things at the office. Please stop and get a copy for your teachers and important staff in your children's lives.

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Secondly, we have the Annual Art Exhibition on the 7 May from 2 - 4 pm at Brennan Hall. All Primary and Elementary art projects will be on display.

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Muffins for Mom - a chance to say thank you to all of our mother's!! May 12, from 7 - 8:30 in the main building.

Happy Mother's Day. 14 May. Thank you in advance to all of the mother's who love us, help us and do so many things. We truly appreciate all that you do for the precious ones, and all of MSM!!

Bergamo and Brennan Hall will be performing their theatrical performances - more details to come!!

Last day of School is 26 May!!  In honor of this day we are have a fun time planned. Join us for Splash Bash - Discovery Island from 5:45 - 7:45. Three different prices - details at the front office.

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Memorial Day - a day to remember. We will be CLOSED.

First Day of Summer - 30 May. Summer Camps begin and there are a plethora of events for both Primary and Elementary students. Schedules will be available at the office. Any questions, comments, and/or concerns please contact me at the office.

And lastly, I have picked my Spotlight Class early - due to all of the wonderful things that are going on with this group!! Bergamo!! Ms. Penny, Mr. Chip and all of Bergamo has a fun-filled month planned and I am overly excited to see everything that is going to happen!!

Spring has Sprung in Bergamo: Info for Ms. Penny directly. Look at all the wonderful things happening.

Some of you may have already seen our new raised bed garden that is going in, if not stop by! It is so nice and we are looking forward to getting sweet potato slips in a few weeks to plant. The weather has not been cooperative with our installation, but Mr. Chip has been working hard with the children when it decides to cooperate! 

Our embryology unit is underway! We received a dozen fertilized chicken eggs on Tuesday and put them in the incubator.  We are studying daily about this process and have a large checkoff calendar counting down the 21 days until hatching with pictures of what the developing chicken embryo looks like. The kids have LOVED this. Some children have even started research on the many different chicken breeds.  For example, in our twelve we will be having Welsummers, Rhode Island Reds, Single Comb White Leghorns and Light Brahmas. 

Tying together both the garden and embryology units, in botany we dissected seeds this week to find that they too have embryos (little baby plants) just waiting to find the right conditions to begin to mature.  Many of you saw these in your Friday folders, and many will continue to come home as they were still a little wet to travel on Friday.  We also did an experiment to prove that plants have "mouths" called stomatas on the undersides of their leaves.  They not only take in carbon dioxide and hydrogen from the atmosphere, they expel not only oxygen but water!  We learned where much the humidity in our air comes from...leaves!

To top off the wonderful springtime season, we received five caterpillars this week that will become Painted Lady butterflies.  We will watch and learn from the whole process until we set five new butterflies free!  Can you tell this is my FAVORITE season??!! Pictures and updates to follow!!
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With that said, May is going to be a fun and busy month!!

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