Tuesday, January 24, 2017

January Happenings

It is hard to believe that the end of the month is here. With that said, the end of the month has indeed been busy.

The activity room had a fun-filled time with the group from Clemson. The class learned about the importance of hand washing and preparing for a healthy lifestyle. They heard a story about Sudsy and Soapy who encourage the purposes of maintaining good hand washing skills!! Also, they had a informative pdf file shared with them and how to use hand washing skills with ALL daily activities (I have a copy of this if any one would like their own copy). Thank you Clemson Team and Ms. Shana Madden. Next month, they will be preparing for dental hygiene awareness month. More info to follow.

Also, remember we are preparing for Pre-registration. If you are a current MSM enrollee, please stop by and pick up the enrollment packets. Open enrollment begins in Feb. for any new families interested in MSM.

Do not forget that on the 26 Jan. we are holding Elementary Parent Meeting at 5 pm. and Primary Parent Meting is 31 Jan. As February approaches, we are preparing for Parent/Teacher Conferences. Please reach out to your teacher/aide and set up a time to learn about your precious one's work and progress. Any questions, comments, and/or concerns, please reach out to the office.

As for extra-curricular activities: Yoga with Get Down Yoga and Ms. Megan will start next Monday. Ms. Megan needs a minimum of eight, (we need at least five more). It is eight weeks on Mondays:  1/30, 2/6,2/13, 2/27, 3/6, 3/13, 3/20, and 3/27. Any questions or comments, please call the office. Karate is starting in February 9th, at twelve weeks Thursdays from 4:40-5:50, and again any questions, comments, and/or concerns please call the office.

I have the new Activities and Lunch menus for February - stop by and get your copy. I will also post a pic of each to the FB page.

And lastly, Ms. Wynetta and Ms. Bonnie have birthdays at the end of this week. Ms. Wynetta 27 Jan, and Ms. Bonnie 28 Jan - when dropping off or picking up - wish them happy birthday!!

Enjoy the rest of the month and I look forward to February!!

Thursday, January 12, 2017

A Time of Reflection

Happy Thursday.

As we approach the weekend, I could not help and reflect on what this weekend holds. A day of honor to a an iconic piece of history. A man who took the time to have a voice and encourage a generation of believers. From being a pastor, an activist, to one of the voices of the Civil Rights Movement, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. has truly inspired and created rays of hope. From his greatest known speech "I Have a Dream" to his words "I Have Been to the Mountaintop" MLK shared a heart of education for everyone. Thank you, sir.

Education is the greatest gift we as humans can possess. As a girl, I was told that an education is a gift to you and to others, as there are a few things in which no one can take from us, and an education is truly one of those. The words of MLK and Maria Montesorri go hand-in-hand.

MLK said, "The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character - that is the goal of true education" and Maria Montesorri said, "Education cannot be effective unless it helps a child open himself to life." These two ideas inspire me to be a influence for all of the young lives here at MSM. For me, learning is both a right and a privilege. As we go through life, we are to be disciples - or enrolled scholars as we are constantly learning. Each lesson is designed to make us better, prepare softer hearts, creator of kind words, and grant moments to explore the next great thing - allowing us to reach the mountaintop. So may your mountaintop have a beautiful view, and may
your valley be full of lessons to make the hike worth it. Learn well. Live well. And above all, have fun - life is not a series of mistakes but learning opportunities - embrace them.

With that said, thank you Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. for reminding us that reaching the mountaintop is worth the hike, and thank you to Dr. Maria Montessori for guiding us to find the effective inside of life - to be open to anything!

May this Monday be a day of reflection, honor, and respect to those who laid the road to exploration and opened all the possibilities.

Friday, January 6, 2017

Important to Know

First and foremost I am glad that the blog has been well received - it has reached 627 people so far. I am honored to be a part of MSM!!

With that said, there are some important facts for the month of January. The first week back has been a success. Just in case for any reason the lunch menus did not find their way home, there are extras copies at the office.

Also, a quick reminder that we are NOT closed on MLK  Jr. Day. There are NO Montessori classes this day; however, full-day care is available. May this day be a time of reflection to how MLK Jr. stood as a voice for our nation. Thank you, sir.

Jan. 26: Elementary Parent meeting at 5 pm.

Jan. 30: Pre-Registration begins for Fall 2017 begins. Stop by the office for forms, ask questions, and to see MSM. For those who are returning, stop by and get forms and say hello as
I am still learning the children and their parents!!

Jan. 31: Primary Parent meeting at 5:30 pm.

Again, stay posted about the weather as we suffer through a Winter Storm Watch. Facebook will post any info for delays/closing because of the weather by Sunday evening. Also, any inclement weather updates can be discovered via Fox Carolina Channel 21 and WYFF Channel 4. And, we also offer a text message using Remind (app). Once the app is downloaded, text this code: @5a5c20 to 81010 (and yes the @ sign is needed). Be safe and have a wonderful weekend.

Thursday, January 5, 2017


I just wanted to take a minute and introduce myself.

My name is Heather, and I am the new Admin Assistant at the Montessori School of Mauldin. I have recently moved to South Carolina from Montana (the big one under Canada). My husband and I were ready for a new life and felt led here. We are excited to see what South Carolina has to offer us and our daughter. She is 17 and is also ready to see what life throws her direction. Moving from a small school to a large one has offered a few challenges, but she has overcome them and made friends the first day. Wahoo!! Both my husband and I have found jobs within of just being here a short time!!

Which leads me to why I created this blog. Back home, I was a Social Media Specialist - meaning I love computers and writing and finding a way to reach people through the aspects of Social Media. I found that a blog is a good way to reach families, friends, and everyone in between to share new info, exciting facts, and the like. So, this blog, is designed to be a source of info to you and your families.

The Montessori School of Mauldin is going to have an amazing 2017, and this is the first place to see new things!!

Any questions, comments, and concerns, please leave a comment and I will do my best to answer immediately.

For those who may not know: we are on Facebook! Montessori School of Mauldin - come like us!! As a lot of info will be posted here. I will link this blog to Montessori School of Mauldin FB page. I will also link to other forms of Social Media. And, as a last resort, feel free to email me at montessoriofmauldin@gmail.com. We also have the Remind app has a way to reach out to you and give updates, info, and anything in between. Download the Remind 101 (app), and join by texting the code @5a5c20 to 81010 (and yes, you must include the @ symbol).

Have a wonderful 2017 as we mend young minds to new ways of learning and finding the greatness within them.