Thursday, January 12, 2017

A Time of Reflection

Happy Thursday.

As we approach the weekend, I could not help and reflect on what this weekend holds. A day of honor to a an iconic piece of history. A man who took the time to have a voice and encourage a generation of believers. From being a pastor, an activist, to one of the voices of the Civil Rights Movement, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. has truly inspired and created rays of hope. From his greatest known speech "I Have a Dream" to his words "I Have Been to the Mountaintop" MLK shared a heart of education for everyone. Thank you, sir.

Education is the greatest gift we as humans can possess. As a girl, I was told that an education is a gift to you and to others, as there are a few things in which no one can take from us, and an education is truly one of those. The words of MLK and Maria Montesorri go hand-in-hand.

MLK said, "The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character - that is the goal of true education" and Maria Montesorri said, "Education cannot be effective unless it helps a child open himself to life." These two ideas inspire me to be a influence for all of the young lives here at MSM. For me, learning is both a right and a privilege. As we go through life, we are to be disciples - or enrolled scholars as we are constantly learning. Each lesson is designed to make us better, prepare softer hearts, creator of kind words, and grant moments to explore the next great thing - allowing us to reach the mountaintop. So may your mountaintop have a beautiful view, and may
your valley be full of lessons to make the hike worth it. Learn well. Live well. And above all, have fun - life is not a series of mistakes but learning opportunities - embrace them.

With that said, thank you Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. for reminding us that reaching the mountaintop is worth the hike, and thank you to Dr. Maria Montessori for guiding us to find the effective inside of life - to be open to anything!

May this Monday be a day of reflection, honor, and respect to those who laid the road to exploration and opened all the possibilities.

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