Thursday, January 5, 2017


I just wanted to take a minute and introduce myself.

My name is Heather, and I am the new Admin Assistant at the Montessori School of Mauldin. I have recently moved to South Carolina from Montana (the big one under Canada). My husband and I were ready for a new life and felt led here. We are excited to see what South Carolina has to offer us and our daughter. She is 17 and is also ready to see what life throws her direction. Moving from a small school to a large one has offered a few challenges, but she has overcome them and made friends the first day. Wahoo!! Both my husband and I have found jobs within of just being here a short time!!

Which leads me to why I created this blog. Back home, I was a Social Media Specialist - meaning I love computers and writing and finding a way to reach people through the aspects of Social Media. I found that a blog is a good way to reach families, friends, and everyone in between to share new info, exciting facts, and the like. So, this blog, is designed to be a source of info to you and your families.

The Montessori School of Mauldin is going to have an amazing 2017, and this is the first place to see new things!!

Any questions, comments, and concerns, please leave a comment and I will do my best to answer immediately.

For those who may not know: we are on Facebook! Montessori School of Mauldin - come like us!! As a lot of info will be posted here. I will link this blog to Montessori School of Mauldin FB page. I will also link to other forms of Social Media. And, as a last resort, feel free to email me at We also have the Remind app has a way to reach out to you and give updates, info, and anything in between. Download the Remind 101 (app), and join by texting the code @5a5c20 to 81010 (and yes, you must include the @ symbol).

Have a wonderful 2017 as we mend young minds to new ways of learning and finding the greatness within them.

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