Wednesday, February 1, 2017

February News

Hard to believe that January has come to an end. I took a quick tally and that means I have officially lived in South Carolina for 45 days. Crazy. With that said, thank you for being so patient with me, during my transition here and with MSM.

I have new schedules and menus for February at the main office. Please stop by grab your copies. And they both have been posted on FB.

If you missed the email info, or was still wondering: we had to make the decision to postpone yoga with Get Down Yoga here at MSM. We hope to have it again in the Fall. Please share any interest you have for this program to return to MSM.

Also, as a new month, we have new things happening here at MSM. First and foremost, there is the Sweetheart Breakfast, 10 Feb. in the main building from 7 am - 8:30. Come and have breakfast with your precious ones. Rumor has it, there will be muffins and things of the like.

Remember, the classes are celebrating Valentine's Day. Please bring the amount of valentines for your classroom - just signed and NOT addressed. If you need a classroom count, please call the office and I can tell you the amount of cards needed. Homemade and themed cards are both equally loved and enjoyed. AND, please do not include candies/snacks; as we are a peanut free school!

Secondly, open enrollment begins on the 13 Feb. So, if you are new to MSM, have new additions to your family, or know of anyone looking for a place of great fun and learning, then give us a shout out. As for those who are already a part of MSM, stop by the office anytime and pick up forms and ask any questions you may have.

Impt. dates to know: 17 Feb & 20 Feb are set aside for parent -teacher conferences. Many of the classrooms have sign-up sheets outside their classrooms. Please pick a time to connect to your child's teacher. As those days are full with the conference times, there are NO Montessori classes these days, and full-day care will be provided.

And lastly, there is a Primary Parent Meeting at 5:30 on the 28 February.

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