Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Mid Month Info

Hear Ye. Hear Ye.
It is hard to believe that February is already half way over. It just seems like yesterday that I was a new face in SC and at the front desk. Now I know all of the children by name, and their parents. I have fallen in love with all of them a thousand times over when the look up at me with those big beautiful eyes (no matter the color). Most of them know my name and I have even earned a wonderful nickname (Ms. Feather) and I totally love it.

With that said, lets move on to the important stuff. First and foremost - thank you to all of the parents who came out and made our Sweetheart Breakfast a huge success. And a huge shout out to Amanda, our amazing Director, for planning and purchasing the beautiful décor and the delightful treats. And we also appreciate all the teachers, and other help who made this morning successful - those who came early and helped set things up and sliced the fruit!! Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

Thank you to all who came and had PTC!! I heard nothing but good reports!! And a huge thank to all of our TEACHERS - who worked hard to share reports of work with the parents. It was indeed a couple days of crazy schedules.

So, as February winds down, remember that we will again have a Primary Parent Meeting 28 Feb., and the topics are going to be Geography, Botany, and Zoology. And, please remember to leave your child with their teachers during the meeting and if you have children that do not attend here, then please find alternate care for them.

March schedules will be made and available soon. Please stop by at the office for your copy.

And most of all - DO NOT Forget that we are in open registration. What does that mean exactly:

This means that registration is now open to the public and registration for classes is on a first come, first serve basis. In order to secure your child’s spot in their classes for the 2017-2018 School Year, you will need to register as soon as possible. This is especially true for our Toddler Programs that fill up the quickest since there are so few spaces available. There is also a registration deadline set for March 13th. Those that register after March 13th, will need to pay an additional $25 fee when registering.  

***Currently registration for Infants-Primary is $100 registration fee and a $25 material fee. For Lower and Upper Elementary, there is a $150 registration fee and a $25 material fee.

And lastly, starting in March I am going to pick a class and do a spotlight on the things that they are doing for the month. This spotlight will include insider details to the in-and-outs of classroom life and the activities within the classroom as well. I will include pictures and many other fun tidbits of things.

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